These classes and workshops focus on basic energy management skills such as grounding and shielding, increasing one's intuition, and increasing one's psychic abilities.  
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Psychic Skills Workshop

An introductory hands-on workshop on feeling subtle energies and developing your psychic skills

Presented by Kathy Meadowlark Dawe and Breighton Dawe

What is intuition and how reliable is it?  Are some people born with it?Earth view  Can it be learned?  What are my own psychic skills and how do I develop them?

We will have a lively discussion on these topics, but more, this is an experiential workshop to learn to identify, trust, and increase your ability to sense and work with subtle energies.

    • Learn how to develop your own lingering intuition, use visualizations to empower your everyday life, and open yourself to the reality and simplicity of inner guidance.
    • Demystify the innumerable psychic abilities that each and every one of us possesses.
    • Experience an increased awareness of your feelings and of the subtle energies that swirl around you.

There are many different psychic skills and many ways people experience them. These include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, telepathy, sensing auras, and others.  We will look into each of these methods and styles of perception and discuss how we discern energy and vibration through our normal and extended senses.

Strong feelings, “6th sense”, instincts, gut reactions – everyone has these, but as a culture we’ve trained ourselves to ignore them.  With practice, you too can tap into this ability.  There will be opportunities within the workshop for both sending and receiving.

Living with an awareness of both the gross and subtle energies gives life new meaning and connection to the divine, that our souls might fully experience the grand adventure that is one’s life.